FTX Sign Data Flow

There are 5 main components in the FTX data flow: PC, video switch, Thunderbolt Cards, Hub Cards, and LED tiles. There is one Thunderbolt Card per cabinet.  Each Thunderbolt Card has a hub card attached to it that distributes data through the LED tiles in that cabinet.

  1. PC: Sends video signal out through an Ethernet port.
    1. Signal travels through an Ethernet cable from the PC to the video switch.
  2. Video Switch: Ethernet switch that distributes the video signal into two Ethernet cables labeled “A” and “B.” Cable B plugs into port B of the Thunderbolt card in the last cabinet of the data flow.
    1. Signal travels through cable A to data port A of the Thunderbolt card in cabinet 1 (top left, rear view).
  3. Thunderbolt Cards: One card per cabinet. Distributes the video signal via the hub card through the LED tiles in each cabinet.
  4. The Hub card is attached directly to the Thunderbolt card and distributes
    1. Signal travels through single cable harnesses, one per row, from LED tile to tile (left to right, rear view) and returns to the hub card for diagnostics.
  5. The signal is passed from Thunderbolt card to Thunderbolt card via Ethernet cable.
    1. Once the signal arrives at the last Thunderbolt card in the chain, the signal returns to the video switch via cable B.
    2. The signal returns to the PC via the single Ethernet cable between the video switch and the PC.

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